Do you know what it feels like to get nearly 24 straight hours of sleep? I do! I came home from work Friday early sick. I had a mild fever that was draining me of all energy I could possibly have. I got home at 2 and promptly fell asleep. I woke up at 4 and was back laying down with my eyes closed by 4:15. Do you know how exhausting it is to walk to the bathroom when you feel miserable? I slept until Peter woke me up at 8 for dinner. I ate really slowly while in bed because there was no way he was getting me downstairs and because I just didn't have the energy. I went back to sleep immediately afterward. I woke up at 10 am Saturday morning. Mary came over to sleep on our couch and she brought me Tylenol. Only problem was they were long pills and pills and I don't get along. So peter crushed them and put them in applesauce and well it tasted pretty gross. I went back to bed and was up at 1ish, then asleep again because I was just so full of energy. I was out until 6. Apparently I needed another nap and went back to bed until 8. Feeling loads of energy I managed to stumble downstairs and find the couch. I had a fever of 102...yup I felt great. I enjoyed oatmeal with crushed about ruining the oatmeal! Around 10pm I felt the fever finally break....Hallelujah! Or was it? So the downside of having so much sleep was I was then awake until 2:30am this morning. Finally this morning I had enough energy to make it to urgent care. And what did they tell me???? It's just a sore throat and a fever, nothing more. Take some throat drops or sore throat spray and you'll be fine. Gee thanks.
So I've spent my entire weekend sleeping. How about you?
My dear sweet hubby has taken good care of me this weekend. He went out to the store late Saturday and came back with roses for me. He said they were from our future babies. Awh how cute! He also made strawberry rhubarb crisp tonight. It turned out well. I'm sure I'd enjoy it more if my throat didn't hurt so much, but it is very good. We're thinking of making strawberry rhubarb jam too....doesn't that sound good? We just need more strawberries and rhubarb.
***Added Monday-Well well well guess what? I got a call from urgent care just a few minutes ago. Though the short test came back negative the long test came back positive...I have strep. I knew I wasn't complaining for nothing, my throat really hurts! It's a good thing I decided to stay home from work today too. I'm contagious up to 24 hours after I have medicine, which means no work tomorrow either. I just really hope Peter doesn't get is awful!!!!!