Connor went in on Tuesday for his 15 month appointment and shots. He was a brave boy and didn't cry for the first shot, which surprised daddy (though he gave the nurse "the look" to let her know he wasn't happy). Then he screamed and wailed when the next few shots were given. He quickly calmed down when it was over as he happily drank some milk. His growth stats are: weight-23 pounds (28%), length-31.5 inches (65%), and head-18.75 inches (64%).
Connor is a great eater. He'll try just about anything you put in front of him. He LOVES fruit-cuties, bananas, all berries, melons, basically you name it, he loves it. Except grapefruit, he'll pull a super sour face and spit it out and refuse to take more. He also likes tortellini, ravioli, avocado, meatloaf etc. If we're eating it, he'll want it too.
He has also taken to wanting to feed himself. He's been doing this for quite some time now, but we've always fed him the messy stuff like yogurt. Well today I let him feed himself the yogurt and it went a little as follows. Spoon goes in mouth, spoon goes on tray. Hand goes in yogurt bowl, one finger goes in mouth and suck yogurt off, then hand goes back in yogurt bowl and repeat sucking same finger each time though all are totally messy.
Spoon eventually goes back into bowl and then into mouth, then promptly thrown on floor.
Bowl is picked up and then shaken to get leftover yogurt onto tray and then yogurt bowl gets tossed onto floor. Yogurt on tray makes great finger paint. Connor finishes his snack with some "ooo's" and then blows raspberries.