Our weekend started on Friday. We picked up Peter's parents and drove up to Huntington Library. I really wanted to explore the gardens so we went there first. Our favorite was the Children's Garden. As it was really hot out, the fountains were definitely inviting to everyone.

Right before we left the Children's Garden, we stopped by the fountains one more time to get cooled off. Connor decided to take a swim and kept on sticking his head under the water.

The Children's Garden had magnetic sand, a mist hut (which was closed for the day), a tunnel of colors, spitting fountains-these were pretty cool, you didn't know which one was going to spit next, and some cool topiaries. From here we walked to the Chinese Garden and past the Japanese Garden which is closed for renovation. We also enjoyed the rose garden.

By this time we were all tired and oh so hot. We stopped under a big tree and had a little snack. Then we decided to go into the museum, mostly just because we knew it was air conditioned. But we also went and looked at some of the famous paintings. My favorites are The Blue Boy and Pinkie. Once I saw those two, I was happy. Diana and I then walked to the gift shop while the guys wandered around the library and then went down one of the forest trails. When we were done we waited in the shade for the guys to come back. They came back and announced that the water fountains were turned off-big bummer. I might've enjoyed that walk for the fountains, but was glad I didn't go. We decided we were all exhausted and were ready to head home.
After sitting in some seriously slow traffic and listening to our poor hungry/poopy baby cry for awhile, we finally arrived at the Bass Pro Shop for dinner. (The same totally awesome store we stopped at before with my dad.) Connor got changed, and we all got fed and then we showed David and Diana the totally cool store. David loved it! We kept turning around to find him missing. Peter showed him the hunting area and the two of them enjoyed playing the shooting games. Both agreed they could spend countless hours playing there. As it was I think they stopped after $2, though David definitely thought about giving it another $1 to play again.

These are some of the targets they were trying to hit. Peter's favorite was a barrel that when the target was hit, it released a huge stream of air that blew in the face of the person to the left of him. In this case it was his dad. It was pretty funny. He had fun purposely hitting that target.

After this we continued on our way home. Connor was a bit more cranky and oh so tired in the car. Peter's dad-though I'm sure he meant well, was driving both Connor and I crazy.
Saturday we ran a few errands to get out of our hot house and then headed over to my parents' house to go swimming. Peter also had the urge to make cinnamon rolls, so we did that too.

Above is the funny picture promised from the last post. Mommy was making noises to entertain me. Daddy captured the shot. It makes us all laugh. :)We made one pan of orange rolls with craisins and one pan of cinnamon rolls with raisins. We took home one pan and devoured all 16 rolls (yeah the two of us ate them...they were delish!) This pan is waiting to go into the oven for proofing and then cooking. No pictures of final product, but you get the idea...they were so good we gobbled them up.

Sunday we didn't do anything out of the ordinary. And now we're back to the work week.
Connor is getting so big!!! He is adorable!!!
I have always wanted to go the Huntington Library. It will happen one of these days. I told Fred we need to get him to that Pro Bass Store place. What a fun weekend.
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