Tuesday, May 20, 2014

It's been awhile

So it's been awhile since I posted anything...here's what we've been up to:
We renewed our Zoo/Animal park passes and visited the butterflies-grandpa had one land on his hat.
We fed the lorikeets as this is tradition.  Connor just looked from a safe distance.
He liked them, but didn't want to try feeding them.
He enjoyed grooming a goat.
So the evening before we went to the park we noticed a rash all over Connor's thighs.  We sent him to bed and in the morning the rash was completely gone from his thighs and was now on his  lower legs.  We went to the park and while there the rash moved to his back and then his face.  When we got home Peter took Connor to urgent care only to find out that he had hives which meant he either touched something, ate something or got bitten by a bug that he was allergic to.  We gave him benadryl which made it all go away...we still have no clue what caused the hives.
Connor wanted me to take a picture of his garbage truck masterpiece.
 So last week we had some seriously hot santa ana days.  You've probably all heard of the CA fires.  We received the call to evacuate, but we didn't.  I was glued to the news station and everything showed the wind blowing the fire away from us.  Later the news announced that there was a computer glitch and our area was supposed to be on alert, not mandatory evacuation.  My phone was nearly out of money, so we called Peter to come home from work in case the winds shifted and such.  I didn't want to be without communication.  So Peter came home and we all enjoyed ice cream cones and popsicles on the front lawn.
Also last week and the week prior I had pneumonia...worst illness I've ever had.  I had a fever that refused to break for 6 days and 4 of those days I was taking Tylenol and Ibuprofen at the same time (didn't know you could do that, but the dr. told me to).  So yeah for a week and a half I was pretty miserable.  I was actually starting to feel better and then the fires started...go figure.

So that's us in a nutshell.  Chloe turns 9 months in a week...she's growing so fast.  I need to take more pictures of my kids and write down what they say.  Connor says the funniest things, and then I forget them.