Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Why doesn't life have a rewind button?

A couple funny mishaps have occurred within the last couple of days. Peter would like to emphasize that he is not the only culprit here. For example, while making my family's famous peppermint fudge I had the teaspoon upside down as I tried to pour out 1 teaspoon of peppermint extract. I couldn't figure out why the spoon wasn't filling up...duh! I'll post the recipe later...its late and Santa won't come if I'm still awake :)

Then today Peter and I were sorting out gifts which ones we wanted to open at my parents' house and which at his parents' house. He wrapped each individual gift for me so it looks like I have like 7 or so gifts from him. I on the other hand stuffed as much as I could into one box, so he has 3 gifts. Now of those 7 gifts, he has left clues as to what they are. By clues I mean, he left the receipt to one gift on the table. Another I told him I found a nice sweater that I liked at the store. He ran out and got that for me. And the recent watch broke and its been driving me nuts not to have a watch on. I was about to go get myself one when he clearly let me know that wasn't a good idea. So yes I knew I was getting a watch...then today it was so funny. So back to the sorting the gifts out, he says, "This one at your parents, this one at my parents, the Pooh watch can go here." Poor Peter, this isn't the first time he let slide the secret he had been keeping from me. So I'm getting a Pooh watch to replace my last pooh watch that broke. How thoughtful :)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

That's funny. Well at least he tried. I bought everything I got for Christmas so there were not surprises for me. I did at least make Fred wrap them.