Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How did that happen?

Peter had made us fresh smoothies right after dinner. We each devoured our glass and he went back for seconds and somehow this happened. He's still wondering how it happened. Not only that but it fell off the counter onto the hard floor and the glass didn't break! There's raspberry smoothie all over the oven, cupboards, floor, his sock and the arm of his shirt and the glass is still in one piece. Hmmmm that one has got me wondering, that's a pretty big drop.


Lisa said...

That is interesting since they usually shatter. I guess the glass likes being a part of your family :)

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Ah, physics will do crazy things. Maybe it landed in a soft pile of smoothie?

Kira said...

I love that most of your posts have to do with some sort of spill :-) Too funny ... keep them coming!

Fred ... said...

I think it is funny how you spill something and the first thing you do is take a picture of it before you touch anything. Love the pictures though.

Peter and Mandy said...

Okay yeah we find joy in some of the simplest things. For Fred-we did pick up the glass at first, examined it and then thought it was so strange that it didn't break that I told Peter to put it back so I could take a picture. :)