Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas Adventures

This year there were only two things that we were missing. 1-Nativity set and 2-Angel tree topper. Peter's mom bought us a nativity set while we were in Utah and we kept it when we got home so we could set it up. Then all we needed was an angel. We went to Canterbury Gardens in Escondido which is a totally Christmas exploded inside the shop type of place. They had a Santa tree and an everything purple tree, angel tree, star tree, green tree, red tree, basically you name it they had a tree with everything. We looked at the angel tree and really didn't like anything that we saw, so sadly we left empty handed. Then Peter did a search on the Internet and found this, showed it to me and we decided it was perfect. So no, we don't need an angel we have Tigger and that is so much better. :)
Before Christmas Peter got this urge to try a couple of fun recipes. We made peanut brittle and English toffee (pictured below). Both went very fast! We made a second batch of brittle and have yet to make more toffee, but it is on the list. We also made a ton of peppermint fudge.

For Christmas Peter and I gave each other a Wii! Peter convinced me that we needed one. Now after playing Mario Brothers I agree it was a good purchase. It's also a ton more fun to have multiple people playing...we need to get another remote. Some of our other gifts include a Bugzooka pictured here.

This thing was so fun to play with. Basically what you do is push the bottom part in, aim the top at a bug and then push a button and it sucks in the bug into the top part. The bug becomes stuck inside the top and then you can either let it go outside or you can put it in the freezer to kill it and then throw it out. Last night I found a spider and Peter got to try out the worked! He chose to put it in the freezer as quite frankly neither one of us wanted the spider back in our house, and nobody wanted to be that close to a live spider. This thing is really cool, but even with a 2 foot reach pole, once the spider was inside, it still seemed like it was really close, so of course Peter was jumping around and doing a spider dance. :) I was just glad it wasn't me.
In the above picture you can see the live spider at the bottom of the metal part. Sorry we had the smokey film on. It also came with a clear tube for observing the live seriously who would want to watch a live spider? Crazy people!
Last night we had Chris, Mary and the girls over for Pizza. The girls each made their own mini pizza. They had fun.
Not to worry, the pizzas for the adults (not pictured) were more elaborate and tasty.

Other fun gifts include:
Peter-A yodeling pickle, dress pants, the most annoying sponge bob puzzle (only 100 pieces, but seriously gave you a headache), pajamas, A Bug's Life-blu ray, apple slicer/corer in one and a video game.
Mandy- Two video games, pajamas, Topsy Turvy plant holder, puzzle, build a bear gift certificate, Pooh/Eeyore/Piglet/Tigger antenna balls, a book and a desktop calendar.
Together we got the Bugzooka, a book about how to avoid bug stings and a bottle of sting eeze in case we get stung by a bug. We also got a jelly bean dispenser too.

We had a great time hanging out with family and's sad that our vacation time is quickly coming to an end. 2 weeks seem to have flown by. (1 week for Peter...he's so bummed.)


Kira said...

LOVE the star ... scary spider ... can't wait to see you again!

Gretchen said...

We have a Wii too!!! They are so much fun! We will have to have a Wii party sometime....we can bring our remotes! :)

Lisa said...

It was fun to see you. Sorry we missed Peter. Hope he is feeling better.