Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Nearly 5 pounds

What can you think of that weighs nearly 5 pounds? Here’s a few Peter came up with:

20 quarter pounders

5-1 pound steaks

a small bag of sugar

a little less than half of a 12 pound bag of chicken

a small piglet

a large cantaloupe

a small watermelon

a 5 pound bag of potatoes

Our little squirt measures in at 4 pounds and 13 ounces…nearly 5 pounds at 32 weeks.
We had another ultrasound at the hospital today. Squirt is above average (the 79th percentile) for length and weight. They showed us the average and we were just above average in everything, but not off the charts, so they said our baby was looking really good.

While looking at the pictures on the screen it was much more difficult to identify what parts we were looking at this time. I thought I was looking at the head and then something kept moving...it was the heart. Apparently I wasn't looking at the head. Later on I could see a bone, it ended up being one of the arms. The spine was easy to identify. His face was down for the most part. At one point they made me lay on my side so they could get a better image. Here are the two face shots we got. I think they are still hard to identify, but you can see one eye and the nose in the first one better than the second one.
In both scans the baby is facing you. They're both tricky to see the face. I think his hand is curled up under his chin...but then again I thought the heart was the head. :)


Lisa said...

Fun :) I can't wait to meet him :)

Fred ... said...

I'll take your word for it that the blog is actually a human being.

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...