Saturday, September 8, 2012

14 Times!

Yesterday started out relatively normal.  I went to work.  Peter took the day off to spend time with Connor as my dad was out of town.  As part of his time off they went to a park and then visited with Peter's parents.  While at their house Peter decided to make up a drink for Connor.  We all like using those Crystal Light to go drinks, just mix with water and voila yummy drink.  So Peter found a flavor and gave a packet to his mom and she mixed it up and gave it to Connor.  They then went to 99 Ranch Market and Connor enjoyed running up and down the aisles (not something I would allow, but well yeah I was at work).  Peter then brings Connor home and tries to put him down for a nap.  He would have nothing to do with a nap.  In fact Connor decided to climb out of the pack n play yesterday...I was hoping that wouldn't happen for awhile longer.  Okay fast forward to about 4:30pm and I got home from work.  Peter comes out of the bedroom exhausted as Connor has still refused to take a nap.  He is clearly tired, but won't hold still.  We let him run around a bit and he doesn't seem very tired to me.  At 5:30 he starts getting really crabby.  By 6:30 he has fallen over and tipped things on top of himself enough that I declare it is bedtime.  I get him ready for bed and put him to sleep.  Peter runs over to the house to paint while there is still daylight.  I then sit on the couch.  Connor cries a tad and then within minutes he has opened the door to the room and is out.  I take him back to the room, put him in bed and close the door.  1 minute later he's back.  My  mom says, "It takes 30 times for a child to realize you mean business."  The count is on...3x, 5x, 10x.  Each time it takes about 30 seconds for him to get one point he got out and played with a bag on the floor and then came out to throw the bag away...12x, he's getting slower at responding this time, and doesn't try to make a run for it as he sees me coming to get him...14x I put him in bed, turn to leave and hear that he has stood up.  I turn around and say "lay down."  He quickly gets down and cries for about 5 minutes and then falls asleep.  So yes I put Connor to bed 14 times last night.

So that brings us to today.  Peter is still going on about this yummy strawberry drink that Connor had yesterday.  We should really go and get this flavor etc.  So Peter and I head out to go carpet shopping today, while in the car he has the little empty packet of strawberry crystal light.  He shows it to response, "No wonder Connor wouldn't nap yesterday-You gave him caffeine."  The strawberry crystal light said "Energy" on it and the fourth ingredient was caffeine.  Peter's response, "Well that sure explains a lot."


Amy said...

I love it!!! I am sorry you had to put him to bed 14x's, but your story made me laugh so hard!

melissa @ 1lbr said...

My nephew started getting on the table and taking sips from unattended Diet Cokes the other day. I'm sure nap time for him was just as awesome. What an exercise in patience!

Kira said...

Totally laughing right now!!!! Oh Dad's sure make their lives harder sometimes!!! Awesome!!