Friday, January 4, 2013


After weeks of extremely cold temperatures and frost warning for a few nights, and a bit of complaining, this beauty was ordered and installed today!
AAAAHHHH our freezing cold house is WARM!  Have we mentioned how much we love Frank?  He got the number of a heating guy from work, called them up and ordered us a furnace this morning.  He said we wouldn't be able to find a cheaper price.  It was delivered around noon and installed by 4:30.  Oh I love the sound of heat.  I got so excited when I heard it fire up.  Here's a picture of the thermostat.  It was 65 degrees in the house.  Now I know that's really nothing to complain about-today is supposed to be the warmest day of the week after all.  But here I am sitting on the couch, with a sweatshirt on and I'm comfortable.  On any given day without the furnace, I would be in a sweatshirt and jacket with three big blankets on and still freezing.  Then going to bed I would have big ski-like pants on, fuzzy socks, sweatshirt with hood on underneath big heavy duty comforter that contains the summer comforter and the winter comforter combined so an eskimo would be comfortable...and there I'd stay until morning where I would make a mad dash to a warm shower and then dread getting out.
Yes I love today! We are finally warm at night.

As for other house news.  Frank came over yesterday and I called my dad up and they prepped the living room and upstairs hallway for texture all day long.   Then this morning at 8am Frank showed up with another guy, my dad and Peter were here and they finished taping and putting up plastic and then they sprayed texture all over the living room and the upstairs hallway.  In a couple of days we will be ready to paint! 
Thursday prepping the windows, even Connor helped.
Connor really wanted to use the tape too.  Here's a video of Frank teaching Connor to tape the ladder.  He was told he may only tape the ladder so that he wouldn't pull paint off of the walls or mess anything else up.  He was a good listener and taped the ladder well.  (The radio was on in the same room.)

 Friday's Fun
 While the guys were busy inside the house.  Connor and I kept busy in the back yard.


Lisa said...

We needed our furnace fixed last year and I can relate to a cold house!! Now that things are calming down we need to come over and see your place!!!!!!!

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Our furnace at work was out all last week (and it looks like all this week with no end in sight), so I'm with you on the cold factor. Mind you, it's upper 50s in my library when I get here, so I'm not suffering, but I sure wish I could take my coat and gloves off :)