Tuesday, October 15, 2013

While mommy slept...

While mommy thought Connor was asleep, she took a nap with Chloe...I woke up to my little angel playing quietly with his trucks.  I headed to the kitchen and noticed this- Chloe's diapers strewn about.
Went upstairs to find random toys in the hallway.
And then into Chloe's room to find all of her clothes had been dumped.  What a sweet little angel I have.
We cleaned up the messes together.

Chloe has recently started smiling when smiled at and it's not gas.
She's also much more alert.
But after playing for an hour or so, she's ready for a good nap.
This past week Connor and I enjoyed some playdough time.  Here he shows off the little ball he made.
Here's the big ball.
On Saturday we went to Sea World again.  Weekends in October they have candy stations throughout the park to trick or treat at.  We only went to three of the stations, which was plenty of candy for Connor.  Here he is with sugar baby drool running down his chin.
When Chloe was born she gave him a garbage truck as a present.  He has recently taken up sleeping with his garbage truck, while his teddy is off to the side keeping the truck book company.