Monday, March 3, 2014

Six Months Old and Connorisms

Chloe went in for her six month check up today....She went in happy and then saw the nurse and screamed and screamed and screamed some more.  I think she remembered him from last time when he gave her the shots at four months cause she was sure ticked off when he came in the room.  You would think he was giving her more shots, when in actuality he was just trying to take her measurements and weight.   When our doctor came in, Chloe had calmed down.  The doctor did all of her checks while I held Chloe...then she left and in came the nurse...Of course Chloe really let him have it when he came back with the vaccinations.

She weighed in at 15 pounds 8.5 ounces, is 25.5 inches long and her head is 44cm.  We're still on the low end of the percentage scale-but really were you expecting anything else?  Supposedly babies are supposed to double their birth weight by six months and triple by a year.  Connor doubled his around 9 months and I think he tripled at 2 years or close to that.  My guess is Chloe will follow in the same footsteps. 

 5 minutes prior-"But mommy, I not tired anymore."
 Helping daddy wash out the six gallon buckets we just bought to store flour/rice in bulk.
 Look how happy I am!
Chloe enjoys eating peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, apple sauce and bananas.  She's warming up to the idea of peaches, though still pulls a disgusted face while eating them.
  Just having a great time.
Chloe can roll quite well.  She's supposed to have a lot of tummy time...well that's kind of hard since she constantly rolls over.  Today she rolled over and over to get to where she could grab some toys.  Who needs crawling when you can roll.  She also enjoys pulling socks off her feet and sucking on her toes.  She's especially fond of her left foot.

"Look how handsome I are."
Daddy-"Connor can you count to ten?"
Daddy- "Can you count 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10?
Connor-"1,2,3, several unintelligible words-I can do that when I'm a little bit older."

While playing with Legos he's talking about making a garbage can to pick up with his claw grabber thingy.
Connor-What kind of garbage can should I pick up?
Mommy-How about a blue can.
Connor-I will pick up this blue rectangle can.
Mommy-Is that a blue dumpster?
Connor-Yeah, well actually a dumpster is for a front loader garbage truck.
Mommy-Oh are you a side loader?
Connor-Yes, I'm a side loader garbage truck.

Last night while getting ready for bed he announces, "This vacuum truck isn't tired yet."

 A couple Connorisms I found that I saved on the computer:
From Christmas-Mommy-"The christmas tree is naked."
Connor-"We need to put clothes on it."
While looking at Christmas lights and displays around our street-
"Santa claus has a big lunch box" (Santa was carrying a green box with a bow)

1 comment:

Kira said...

still can't get over the kid cuteness in your family! They are so sweet!