Sunday, June 1, 2014


We picked these a week ago and had the best berry shortcake ever!
This is also from about a week ago...
This week we picked a lot of blackberries and everyone enjoyed them
Yes even Chloe
This was just too cute I couldn't resist a picture

All ready for church!

So yeah we've been picking berries left and right.  We pick a full container of blackberries and strawberries every 2-3 days.  Our blackberry bushes have taken over the strawberries in the raised containers.  I can't wait to get working on our backyard and build boxes to transplant all of the blackberries back there.  First we have to remove concrete and replace two fences...and then we can start to figure out what we're going to do with the backyard. 

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I pointed out some blackberry bushes to Fred the other day and told him I would like to plant some. Maybe if he sees yours he'll be up for it :)