Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Air Show

This weekend was the famous Miramar Air Show. Peter tried getting a hold of friends to go see the show on Saturday, but everyone he called saw it on Friday. He was definitely down in the dumps, he wanted to go but not alone. Now I have never had any interest in the air show, so of course I was of no help to the situation. At 11:30 on Saturday my mom called and asked what we were doing for the weekend. I told her that Peter was looking for someone to go with to the air show. She suggested that my dad would probably go (he goes every year). As I asked Peter if he would like to go with my dad, he jumped off the couch and said he would go shower and be over there immediately. I told him not to get too excited my mom still needed to ask my dad if he wanted to go. Peter was already in the shower as my dad said yes. Shortly thereafter we were on our way out the door. On the car ride to my parents house Peter asked me to put the Top Gun CD on. He sang the whole way there. His words, "I've seen six year old children less excited about Disneyland than I am to go to the air show." He was one happy boy.

After the show Peter gave my mom and I a detailed account of what they saw. Including hand movements and swishing noises to help tell everything he saw. They showed up right when a F-16 was flying around. There were mock bomb runs and other war demos. They walked up next to a F-22 right as it was about to take off. This was the first year the F-22 has been there. (It's so brand new, they're still producing them. Peter had never seen one before.) It was as he says, uber cool. He says there were a flock of other airplane enthusiasts all staring intently at it as it took off. It was definitely the star of the show, except maybe the Blue Angels that were back this year. The Blue Angels are really hard to compete against. As the Blue Angels took off they played the Top Gun anthem and everyone clapped. Peter might make me watch Top Gun this week. They also had a MV-22 that sat there, several C-130's a C-5/17 he's not sure which one it was. Lots of helicopters and a few vintage aircraft. He touched the tail of a F-18, tax dollars well at work. They also saw an A-10 as they were leaving.

While the boys were off watching airplanes, my mom and I went and saw the movie The Nights of Rodanthe. It was a good love story, but very sad at the end. There wasn't a dry eye in the theater as we left. Afterwards we ran a couple of quick errands and then went home and played in the garden. I loved being able to dig in the dirt, I miss my garden.


KC Witkamp said...

That's so much fun.... too bad you didn't call us, we were bored at home trying to get ideas to go out, and totally forgot about the air show.

KC Witkamp said...

I forgot to ask you, do you guys need any equupment for your aquarium? Matt (mostly me) is trying to sell all the stuff he has because we dont have space for the fish

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Peter and my husband must be kindred spirits. I think he probably would have gotten equally as excited, and started to drool as well. I better not tell him about it.