Friday, January 2, 2009

Toilet Repair 102

"We're doing big operations...It's men versus the toilet."-Peter

Yesterday my dad came over and helped Peter dissect our toilet and then put it back together with the all in one toilet repair kit. Peter came downstairs for numerous items: a small tupperware, scissors, a plastic bag, a flashlight, scotch tape and I'm sure a few others. Quite a few times I heard Peter say, "Let's get a new toilet." I wasn't ready to give up yet. If the all in one repair kit failed then I was all up for a new toilet.
Well I'm proud to say it is day two and the water is on and there are no leaks! I have a working toilet again!


Lisa said...


Rebecca Fallentine said...

Nice job, Peter! Mandy, you knew they could do it!