Sunday, June 13, 2010

And the gender is?

Yeah we don't know yet either. For now we're calling it Little Squirt. We find out Thursday morning. So what do you think it will be? So far my mom and Kira think it's going to be a boy. Fred and my aunt Patty think it will be a girl. Peter hopes for a boy since he has his Legos from his childhood in our closet as well as he knows how to do boy things. He's not very good at playing make believe with our nieces (or at least they don't like it when he wants to be a pirate and they want to play princesses and there's no pirates allowed). I of course would love to dress up a little girl, but would be happy with anything healthy. Plus I'm convinced that since we have picked a girl's name that we both l0ve and we haven't agreed on any boy names, this one for sure will be a boy. I've already picked out the car seat/stroller set-can you guess what the theme will be?

Peter talked to Little Squirt today. He started with something cute and endearing and then said, "Little Squirt, you're making your momma sick. You made her puke up her favorite dinner last night." It was something along those lines. Note to self, all you can eat buffets are not nice to pregnant bellies. And they're definitely not pretty seeing them a second/third time around. But the strawberry vinaigrette was delicious the first time.


Rick and Christie Farnsworth said...

I am going to guess boy! Either way I'm sure "little squirt" is going to be adorable! Can't wait to hear!

Kira said...

I'm telling ya ... Baby Boy Blue!!! :-)

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Good thing you have such a positive attitude about the puking! I'm hoping you get to use that girl name you guys picked out.

Stephen John McCuen said...

I'm going to go with girl. But I could be wrong. Stephen talks to our little one and tells him to e nice to me too :)