Sunday, September 4, 2011

Festival of Sail

Cannons ready to be fired at oncoming ships.
Saturday we went to the Festival of Sail with Chris, Mary, their kiddos, Diana and my dad. We picked my dad up and then met up with everyone at Chris and Mary's place. Then we hopped on the trolley, made one immediate trolley switch and then we were there. We watched some cannon battles, explored many of the boats and both of the submarines. For each vessel we boarded we got a stamp in our ticket booklet. We went on: Bill of Rights (they revved up the engine and nearly took out the boarding walkway-was a bit funny.), Exy Johnson, Jada, Curlew, Californian, Irving Johnson, HMS Surprise, Star of India, Berkeley, Medea, Pilot and the two submarines: USS Dolphin and B-39. We only missed out on five of them and the one that is currently being built. Peter plans on going back tomorrow morning to see the one being built with Chris.
Connor sails the Californian
Treasure Seeker-we missed going on this boat-it was doing pirate cruises.
When we were getting in line to go on the B-39 there was a mandatory hole that everyone had to go through to prove that they fit. I swear it was bigger than the four water tight seals that we went through while on the inside.
Definitely smaller than the hole we had to fit through outside!
The torpedo room (Peter has informed me that this picture is sideways, but really does it matter?-there are tubes in a row. Tip head to left to see proper view if it matters to you.)
Here's the USS Dolphin and the Berkeley in the background
Connor enjoyed the petting zoo area-the duck was his favorite.
They also had an angora goat, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens and chicks.
On our way back home we skipped going on the "special" trolley-There was an announcement that the trolley was only heading to Qualcomm Stadium, so we waited for the next trolley to arrive. We got off at IKEA and went to get dinner. IKEA has a great restaurant with really cheap food. Then we walked back to the trolley and again skipped the trolley heading only to Qualcomm. While waiting for a regular trolley to arrive we all came to the conclusion that the "special" trolley would have to turn into a regular trolley after leaving Qualcomm since they can't turn around on the track or switch tracks at that point. We should have all taken the special trolley and then just stayed on it until it came to our destination. Oh well, next time we'll try it out. When a regular trolley arrived we hopped on to find three police officers writing someone up for not having a ticket on the trolley. That's the first time I've ever seen people get checked for having a ticket.

As we dropped my dad off at home we thought a sit in a warm spa sounded like the perfect thing for our aching feet...and it was. We had a great day!

Today Peter, Connor and I met up with Chris and his girls and we went to see San Salvador (the boat being built). This would've been really cool had there been people working on it. However those in the area that want to see it for's totally visible from the I-8, or you can park at Spanish Landing and walk on a path and peer over/through the chain link fence and see it.


Kira said...

That sounds like so much fun!! Evan would have especially loved that adventure :-)

Amy said...

Me and my sisters used to sail on the Exy and Irving Johnson when we lived in LA. It was so much fun and it looked like you had tons of fun too!