Monday, April 2, 2012

Millenium Falcon

So Peter has been wanting one of these for awhile. He looked online and in stores and the going rate is about $140. So his dreams of owning one was put on hold. I asked him what he wanted for his birthday and he couldn't come up with anything. He had made up his mind that this was too expensive and he wouldn't get much out of it to make it worth it. So for his birthday he got some of his favorite candies, a shirt and a book.

Friday evening there was a big box at the door. He told me he went ahead and bought it from Amazon for slightly cheaper. Friday evening he set to work putting it together and he finished it up during the Saturday afternoon session of conference. Then he started flying it around the house while humming/singing the theme song. I told him to wait so I could grab the camera. He then put his toy down and said he wouldn't play with it if I was going to video tape him. Later he was playing with it again so I took some pictures. Then while he thought I was taking pictures I switched to video mode and got a short video. He said I couldn't post it, it would be too embarrassing. I reminded him that Fred Leavitt (my friend's dad) has a Star Trek ornament collection. And I wouldn't be surprised if he gets them out and plays with them at Christmas time.
Here's my big kid playing with his toys. Video posted with permission after convincing him it wasn't too embarrassing. Peter says if I ever video him flying the Falcon around the house, THAT for sure will not be posted. Today Connor was laughing at his daddy while this giant ship took flight in our family room.


Sian said...

This makes me so happy! Tell Peter not to worry, Stephen plays with Legos, mostly Harry Potter ones, but he too wants the Millennium Falcon but can't afford it :)

Lisa said...

I love it! I can totally see Fred doing this.

Fred ... said...

Yes, my Star Fleet definitely gets deployed at least once a year. Happy Birthday Peter.

Lindsay said...

Ah, Peter. Some things never change. :)

Kira said...

I can definitely confirm that my dad plays with his collection!!!! (and he has a big old grin on his face while he is playing with it too!)