Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Gracie popped my ball!

Connor was out playing with a favorite ball on the grass. He was kicking it and running after it and it was so cute. I thought for sure I would title the post "Our little soccer player" but as I went inside to grab the camera I let Gracie outside. She ran after Connor's ball and started playing with it. And then this happened:

Connor would not stop crying. I picked up the ball and him and told him we would go buy another one. Every time he looked at his ball he would let out a louder cry. I finally threw it in the trash, hoping that out of sight out of mind would kick in. He went on for a bit longer and then whenever Gracie would come near he would cry some more. He remembered what she did to his ball.


Lisa said...

That is hilarious!!!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

hahahahahaha I almost feel bad laughing hahaha