Friday, August 10, 2012

Pre-Moving Day

I'm exhausted!  Peter returned home from a trip to Home Depot and then to the new house to drop stuff off and finish scraping the old tile up at 11:30pm last night.  He then informed me that we needed to get out of the condo as soon as possible in order to have a chance at getting it rented before school starts.  Which meant that today we finished packing up our condo.  Peter and Chris made several trips over to the house with several van loads full of boxes.  Tomorrow morning we're getting the U-haul to take the big stuff and the boxes that got left behind after 4 trips to the house. 

Where is all our stuff going?  After all the kitchen is still a mess and the bedroom has no carpet or really anything.  Well, our stuff is going to the garage or the living room and we'll stay with my parents for a week until our bedroom gets finished and then we'll head over to the house.  While packing up stuff we found our emergency stove, so we could even make food :)  Too bad we don't have a fridge yet though. 

So I know this is all last second and all, but if anyone has spare time, or more importantly a spare hubby :) tomorrow morning we would love the help.

1 comment:

Kira said...

WOW!!! Short post, but that makes me tired!