Saturday, October 13, 2012


Here are some pictures as promised:
The downstairs bathroom was this hideous dark brown and dark red color.  
The paint peeled off of the wall.

Here's the shower part.  It's not too bad.  We had to bend the shower door frame back into place so you could actually close the door.  We also sanded and repainted the cupboards.
It's amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do for a room.
I think our towels are a tad too long.  We have a towel rack, but it's not up yet.
This bathroom is almost done.  Eventually it will be redone.  I'd like to get rid of at least one of the three annoying, but for now it is very much livable. 
 Here's the master/Connor's bedroom.  We are amazed at how much stuff we got into this room.  There's a nightstand on both sides of the bed, then the crib, bookcase, and dresser.  There's even more room too.  Not everything is tight together.  Then there's the fireplace on the far wall, then the third wall has the sliding glass door, the changing table and then the two closets.  You come in from the double doors and you can go out the double doors to the bathroom or you can go out the third door to the shower.  I think they liked a lot of doors in this house.  The upstairs bathroom has two doors as well.

And now what you've all been waiting for.....The kitchen!  We have so much cupboard space I don't need to leave anything on the counter except the toaster and the knife's so clean...and I haven't even used them all up yet either.  Oh and the granite people made us two big hot pad/cutting board type things from the pieces that they cut out to fit the sink in.  They also left us the large leftover pieces too.  None of them are big enough to use in a bathroom really, so we're not sure what we're going to do with them.
This area will at some point be the eat-in part of the kitchen.  Frank said he will build us a built in bench and we're toying around with the idea of an island too.  But both of those are not necessities right now, so they're placed on hold.
The back-splash was started today and will be mostly finished tomorrow.  We bought these really cool glass tiles to run as an accent stripe, but the amount of space under the windows prevented us from going with that idea.  Instead they are placed more like a 2x2 medallion every now and then.  I like it.  We are going to have a lot of glass tiles left over, so we're also toying with the idea of using them in the upstairs bathroom.  Though Peter wants to just return them and pay the 20% restocking fee.  I think there's plenty of color that we could have a lot of fun with that bathroom.
Well those are the pictures for now.  The house is coming along.


melissa @ 1lbr said...

Love all that cupboard space! Our house was a huge upgrade, but I still have LOTS of stuff I can't fit in the cupboards. And I love your bathroom color!

Lisa said...

Love it! We have been gone so much and out of touch and missed all of this and I feel so bad. We need to come over. We are so glad you are close!!!