Sunday, October 28, 2012

This Weekend's Adventures

Frank took the weekend off and helped fix a friend's car (cause when he's not at his normal job, he's fixing houses and when he's not fixing houses he fixes cars-he has a lot of talents.)  It was nice not to have to work on the house...though we did anyway. Actually we had two carnivals to go to and I was glad to have Peter come along.

In the morning we worked on the yard a bit. Peter cut back and removed more of the overgrown morning glories that were all over the side fence. Now the fence is bare and it is really leaning over...We'll have to prop it up for a little while before we take on replacing that. Connor and I enjoyed planting a rose bush in the front little planter area. Then we filled up two of our empty planter pots with soil and planted bell pepper, chives, and cilantro seeds in them. Oh and I'm super excited...our bean seeds have sprouted!
 Above: Before, Below: After
We ran out of green garbage cans again and it's not green week this week.  
I think we'll have to go buy a few.  This area looks so much cleaner.  Don't you just love the fence?
Do you see the bean sprouts?
I think for family home evening tomorrow we're going to buy more soil for fruits and veggies and then get started on planting our pea seeds. We also have radish and carrot seeds. The carrot seeds we got are for multicolored carrots-pink, purple, white, yellow and orange...It sounds so fun!

After a rather short nap, Connor, Peter and I went to my parents' house to pick up the costumes. I was going to be Pooh and so was Connor (yes we already had the 24month costume-it's roughly 9 years old). Well I put my costume on and with the 87 degree heat we were having I knew there was no way I was going to make it as Pooh. So we found the box of costumes and plan b was to be a clown. Though the clown costume had a few flaws that needed fixing. So it was on to plan c. I went to work as a scarecrow! I wore sunglasses and nobody recognized me until I started talking. It was pretty fun. Connor refused to put on his Pooh suit, so he went to the carnival as himself. He was really cute! He didn't understand why everyone looked so strange. I think most people scared him. He played a couple of games and then really just wanted to dig in the dirt. After the work carnival we headed to Sprouts to buy pumpkins and then headed home to make soup for our church carnival. We arrive and see that one of the games involved throwing darts at balloons. Well when the first balloon popped, Connor's face filled with great sadness and crocodile tears started flowing. Then another balloon popped and he was set off screaming. Peter and Connor roamed the halls of the church until all of the balloons had been popped.  While roaming the halls, Connor would run up to a dark spot and then point to his shirt (it glowed in the dark).  He had fun finding dark spots to show off his shirt.  Then when the coast was clear they entered the gym again and had some dinner. After dinner, Connor played a fishing game and got some funny lips. Then he went to a big pumpkin and pulled a tootsie pop out, he didn't win another tootsie pop, but left the game with three tootsie pops (it was the end of the night and Connor didn't understand the rules, and the girl hosting the game said it was okay.)

Today Connor enjoyed two more big tomatoes. He plucked one off the vine and gobbled it up. Peter saw one that split open and plucked it off. Connor saw it and enjoyed eating that one too. Last week he plucked and ate all of the ripe cherry tomatoes-there were six or seven of them. He's also enjoyed a few more strawberries.

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