Monday, November 5, 2012

Halloween Fun

 A couple days prior to Halloween we carved pumpkins.  Connor enjoyed taking the seeds out of the pumpkin.
On Halloween when my mom got home from work she opened up the big bag of candy for the trick or treaters and gave Connor a piece.  He hasn't had much candy before so this was a real treat.  Then he was told that if he put on his costume and carried a bucket around to the neighbors he would get more candy.  He then let me put his costume on him and we went around the cul de sac.  He had so much fun we decided to keep on going so we went around the block.
Daddy dressed up too.
He was so cute with his bucket.
At one point Daddy ran back home to get a bag to help hold Connor's candy, but Connor didn't like the idea of parting with any of his candy.  So he continued on basically dragging his bucket at the end.
When we were done walking around the block.  We hopped in the car and went to visit Grandma and Grandpa O.  Connor showed off his costume and then promptly took it off.  He then dumped out and showed his loot to everyone.  He even sampled a few pieces.
It was a long night and he thoroughly enjoyed Halloween.  He now really understands the concept of candy.

Here are a few cute pictures from this evening.  Peter was making dinner and so was Connor.
Would you like ravioli or chicken noodle soup?
Now who put the candy bucket just out of my reach?


Amy said...

Peter looks so handsome as the Pooh!

Kira said...

Cute cute cute cute cute!!!!!

Sian said...

I LOVE the matching Poos! Peter is such a good sport :)

Lisa said...

Connor is so cute!! I LOVE Peter's costume!!!! I think you should have dressed up also. There's always next year :)