Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Connor is 2

Yesterday Connor turned 2. He had a great birthday and enjoyed opening gifts.  
I got clothes and sandals (not pictured)
And this really cool bike.  I enjoyed "helping" daddy assemble it.
In the beginning Connor had more fun assembling the bike than anything else.  It was like the kid that would rather play with the box than what is in it.  Except he wanted to assemble more.  But once he realized he could ride this thing...he was off and rolling.  He hasn't got the concept of using the pedals just yet, but that will come soon.
Look at me, I'm Two!
Here's my birthday cake.  I helped with the sprinkles.
Everyone is singing to me.
After everyone sang I blew out my candle.

Then while the camera was not recording my candle was lit again and I blew it out again.

This evening when we got home, there was a large package on the doorstep.  It was a turtle sandbox!

Just before dinner Connor decided to help himself to some leftover cake.

I think he thoroughly enjoyed his birthday!


Sian said...

Happy Birthday, Connor! He is SO cute!

Amy said...

That last video was a jem!! I loved how he just looked at you and then stuck his finger in and then looked at you and then ate some more! So cute! Happy birthday Connor!

Lisa said...

I cannot believe he is two already! Such a sweet boy!!