Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Our little gummy bear

We interrupt our weekly updates on the house to bring exciting news...
We are expecting a gummy bear!
Our little critter is affectionately being called a gummy bear as it resembles one...it has a head, a body and four nubs.  This picture was taken at 11 1/2 weeks.  As of yesterday I am 13 weeks pregnant.  Our little critter is due on August 19th.

Other exciting news:  I don't have gestational diabetes yet!  I failed the 1 hour test, but I passed the three hour test...woohoo!  Unfortunately, I get to look forward to taking the test each month until I fail.  But until then I'm thoroughly enjoying treats, just limiting the amount so as to not over do it.  Though I have stocked up on the all natural peanut butter, sugar free jam, sugar free pudding/jell-o and splenda.  For after all it's not a matter of if I'll get it, it's a matter of when I'll get it.

So how am I feeling?  Tired, hungry, tired, did I mention tired?  Yes I like naps.  They're a bit of a luxury during the week.  Often times I take a 20 minute power nap while Peter cleans up the dinner dishes.  Or if he's reading Connor a bedtime story, I often cuddle up under the blankets of the bed and am soon out.

Any differences from the first pregnancy?  I'm not nearly as sick.  With Connor I threw up nearly every night.  So far with this one I have thrown up twice.

Kind of on the weird side....I told Peter that I could feel it wiggling at 6 weeks.  He told me it was all psychological...yeah he basically called me crazy.  I told him I was not crazy and I knew what I was feeling.  He brushed it off saying it wasn't possible.  I went to my appointment and the nurse practitioner totally believed me.  Since I'm skinny she says it is very realistic that I am feeling it move.  HA take that Peter!  Well our little gummy bear is particularly active in the evening after I lay down so I had Peter feel my stomach the other day and he felt it move too! 


Gretchen said...

Yay!!! Congrats!!! So happy for you and your growing family!! :)

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Cute picture :) And yeah for having babies! Congrats!

Kira said...

It does look like a gummy bear!!!!!

Lindsay said...


Lisa said...

I love how you call your baby your gummy bear. You can not only feel it because you are skinny but also because it's not your first pregnancy and you know what it feels like now :) Congratulations!!