Sunday, March 24, 2013

Is it a boy or is it a girl?

Monday morning we go and find out the gender of baby #2.  I think it is going to be a boy but I really have no clue. 

Connor:  I was nauseous pretty much round the clock.  Most often in the evening and early morning.  I threw up multiple times-basically stopped counting when I ran out of fingers and toes...though I threw up more during 12-24 weeks than I did during the first trimester.  Connor rode very low causing me to go to the bathroom quite frequently.  At 15 weeks I was wearing maternity pants.

Baby: Nope not nauseous...very very little amount of nauseous feeling in the mornings of 8-12 weeks, and have puked a grand total of 3 times.  I do get stomach aches in the evening, but I figure that's just because I've eaten too much food at one time.  It definitely feels like this one is riding low too.  I'm at 19 weeks and I'm not wearing maternity clothes yet...though some of my pants/skirts are getting too tight.  With Connor I had a boppy maternity pillow around 22 weeks.  This one I got my pillow out a few weeks ago to help ease the back pain, though I always end up waking up on my back. 

At my last appointment...about a month ago I only gained 1 pound.
Dr: Are you eating?
Me: Yes
Dr:  Are you sick?
Me: No
Dr:  You need to eat more!
Me: Okay, my husband has been having me eat as if I had diabetes, so I don't get it as fast.
Dr:  You don't have it yet, so don't worry about it yet.  Eat whatever you'd like, just be careful around straight sugars.  We'll test you again at 26 weeks.
Me:  Really 26 weeks!  Sweet!
Dr: If you pass it then, we'll test you again at 32 weeks which is when you failed it before.  Generally with each pregnancy you'll get it sooner, but sometimes it starts at the same point as the previous pregnancy.
Me: Okay, sounds good to me. (still walking on cloud 9 over the whole I get to wait 2 1/2 months before I test again)

I clearly don't have gestational diabetes yet.  I go in again for a regular check up on Friday, hopefully I've gained more weight.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Mandy, I am soooooo excited for you and Peter! I have been such a slacker and I apologize. Since I started working full time it's taken me awhile to get in the groove of things. I feel bad that we live so close and we haven't been over. We will remedy that when I get back :)