Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Lately Connor has been practicing his animal sounds.  He says, moo, woof, meow, baa, cack (quack), and ink (oink).  One night last week after being tucked into bed, he repeated all the sounds he knew how to make until he fell asleep.  Another night he woke up in the middle of the night, said, "moo" and then went back to sleep.

Connor has also recently given up his binky.  Basically he chewed through all of them and slowly we were throwing them away.  Then last week or so he chewed a big hole in one of his tougher ones and then went to sleep just holding it.  Realizing he really didn't need it anymore we told him it was broken and we didn't have anymore.  He's been fine ever since.  We do have one spare hidden one in case of an emergency, but I doubt he'll need it.  My little boy is growing up.

At the end of June I plan on tackling the fine art of potty training...this shall be fun.

1 comment:

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Cute! I love the random mooing in the middle of the night :)