Tuesday, May 14, 2013

No, I am NOT getting in the bathtub!

If Connor talked I'm sure he would say those exact words.  His screams pretty much said it all tonight.

While living at the Condo, Connor almost always had baths.  It was a shower if we wanted to get it over quickly.  Well, since moving to this house, this house only had one bathtub and it was disgusting.  There was no way I was going to bathe my kid in a mold infested bathroom-I mean I refused to use the toilet up there, it was too gross.  So let's say from August until today Connor has had only showers.  We thought for sure he was going to love having a bath again.  We got some toys, bubbles, and were ready to have him get in....yet he didn't want anything to do with that tub.  He stood outside the tub and played with the water, but didn't want to get in.  Each time Peter tried to put him in, he would pull up his feet and let out a few screams to let us know he truly wasn't happy.
And then it finally happened.  I was sent to get cups, Connor was placed in the tub and then the playing with the cups began.  I guess the bath wasn't so bad after all.


Amy said...

Look at his tan!! So cute!

Kira said...

haha funny boy!!!