Thursday, June 27, 2013

What we've been up to...

Well Monday I started to potty train you think I have enough underwear for him?  I have two six packs of white undies for him as well.  I bribed him to sit on the potty...every time he sits he gets two gummy bears.  If he pees he gets five gummy bears.  Well Monday came and went and he got a lot of gummy bears for sitting, but he never peed in the potty.  Twice he came out of the potty and promptly peed-I'm talking less than a minute after sitting for 5-10 minutes.  While on the potty we read stories.  On Tuesday I was hoping for better luck...but we didn't have any.  Tuesday night I ran to the library and picked up some potty books and a DVD.
Wednesday rolled around and my perky little guy had a decent morning, but then nap time rolled around.  When he woke early from his nap super crabby I knew something just wasn't right.  He was snuggly and only happy when held....and he was hot.  The poor guy had a fever of 102.   Potty training was put on hold and we enjoyed the comfort of diapers while we rocked in the rocking chair.  I stripped him down to just the diaper, put a fan on us, grabbed a light blanket and his teddy and we sat in the rocking chair until we both fell asleep.  He was out for at least an hour.
After waking up he was in a better mood, but still clearly groggy so we took it easy.

That brings us to today.  He's much perkier, happier and the fever seems to be gone.  He still has a cough and a runny nose, but he's managing that pretty well.
We played with Playdoh most of the morning.
We're making big steps towards talking now.  A month ago he could say a few animal sounds and a few words.  Now he says probably 10 times as much.  Some things he says:
Just about every animal sound-pig, cow, dog, horse, bird, bee, snake, sheep, cat, frog, monkey, etc.
Colors-red, yellow, green, blue, pink, brown, black, white and we're working on orange and purple.  He'll tell you the name of some animals-pig, dog, cat, bird, bee
Random words: big, ball, bed, book, milk, no, diaper, potty, mommy, daddy, apple, banana, bread, baby, and I'm sure many more. 
He got a hold of the camera and took a picture of's the bump at 32 weeks.
After our short nap...poor guy couldn't stop coughing.  We watched old videos of him.  He loved it!  We also turned on the potty DVD and watched it 3 times.

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