Monday, September 16, 2013

Three Weeks Old

Where has the time gone?  How can she be three weeks old already?
Connor liked these positions at this age too.
How is Connor taking to the new arrival?  Well last week he said, "We take Chloe back to the hospital?"  My interpretation-he's done with her.  Daddy's interpretation-he wants to go see the stork in the parking structure and see all the big trucks out the window.
Connor also likes to whack just about everything.  When he gets near Chloe, mommy and daddy get to their feet really fast.   He also has a soft side for his sister.  Every night he gives her a hug and a kiss before bed.
 Here he is playing with some of his favorite toys.
 The last two weeks our ward has been delivering dinner to us every other day.  We have been spoiled.  The food has been wonderful!  Here's a picture of Connor's favorite dessert, he has requested I make rainbow jell-o.  One of his nursery teachers made this for us because Connor knows all of his colors.
 A cute little funny about colors.  Last week Peter and I had a meeting to go to, so my mom watched Connor.  My brother's kids were also there and my mom said that Connor knew all of his colors.  The boys started testing Connor by pointing to random objects in the room.  After he named every color they pointed to, they decided to get tricky.
Joshua-What color is your mommy?
Connor- (thought for a moment) Pink
Joshua-What color am I?
Connor- Brown

I agree-I'm pink and Joshua is brown.  Yes Connor knows his colors.

1 comment:

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Seriously? Two weeks? My ward did two days. Jealous :) Hope you are all well.