Monday, September 2, 2013

One Week Old

Here are some photos of Chloe's first week of life: 
One of the nurses made a flower on her hat.  Later another nurse made her a hat with a bow.
Proof-yes she weighed 9 pounds and almost 1 ounce!
 Getting her first bath
Aunt Mary washing her hair.  Mary totally spoiled me.  She worked the two nights that I was there, so she would take Chloe on rounds with her and bring her back for feedings...I got a lot of rest.  She also hooked me up with one of the VIP rooms.
Connor came to visit
Going home
Before picking us up, Daddy and grandpa decorated the house.
Home at last
She sure does sleep a lot
One week old today
A few funny faces she dazzles us with.
Look I see eyes!


Lindsay said...

Congratulations! Chloe is adorable. :) Good luck transitioning into Life with Two. :)

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Ah, she's adorable! Congrats! Hope things are settling down a bit and you get lots of sleep.