Sunday, August 24, 2008

Fun in the Kitchen Part 2

We decided to try our luck with making peach jam today. We've learned from our mistakes last time. Peter said, "We're using the big pot this time."

Peter asks, "Do we have enough sugar?" Mandy says, "Yes we do." Peter- "Now is that a Mandy yes or a Peter yes?" Of course we both knew exactly what he was referring to (refer to fun in the kitchen part 1 if you don't get it), so I said, "It's a Mandy yes."

Now peaches are slightly more difficult than plums in the fact that you have to peel and pit them. Mind you pitting plums wasn't terribly fun, quite frankly it was very messy, but at least we didn't have to peel them too.

Now to peel peaches one must first put in boiling water for a minute. Then soak in cool water. Of course if you soak in cool water too long, they get hard, therefore destroying the reason for boiling. Mandy-"I still can't get the skin off and now they're hot too."

To pit peaches you have to cut in half and pull out pit. Make sure you do this before skinning the peaches or else you might lose a finger or two. However skinning the peach is easier done when the peach is whole, therefore also being very hot, so pick your battle.

The jams have been ladled and are now upside down in hopes that they will seal themselves(it worked last time). Then its into the fridge they go. This time we feel the mess was an average score of 3 where as last time it was well into the 8's. We have a bag of white peaches and a bag of plums so fun in the kitchen part 3 and 4 will be happening soon. If you live close by you might even get to have one of our delicious jams. :)

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I love canning and making jams. I used to bottle/can everything before we moved here. I really want to start doing more again. Your blog brought back all sorts of fun memories! Have fun!!