Saturday, September 20, 2008

Our new addition

We've had a baby! Actually we've had several babies. Today while switching some of the water in the fish tank Peter discovered a baby fish. He was convinced that it was orange (one of our mollies). Upon further searching we found two baby fish that looked like guppies. We checked out the fish that were fat that we were assuming were pregnant, and they definitely aren't as fat anymore. We are guessing that the other babies have been eaten already. We don't think the babies will last much longer as the bigger fish have found their hiding places and the babies have been getting much more brave and facing the open water. We snatched a picture of one being brave. It's another Where's Waldo picture, this one much more difficult than the last. However if you can blow up this picture a bit you can see right in front of the rock is a tiny thing with an eye. It is almost dead center of the dark rock right above the gravel.

Now it's a matter of survival as we don't think they will last. Peter is excited, we will be heading to the pet store to buy more male guppies as the only ones we currently have are female. He also is going to buy a recording of "Love is in the Air" and play it for the fishies :) We will also buy a breeding tank so we can save the baby fish. So there's our news today!


Lindsay said...

So, I stink at Where's Waldo, and I can't see the baby fish, but congratulations just the same! I hope they survive. :)

Kira said...

that is one of my very favorite things!!! In Florida, we bought four platy's and by the time we moved we had about 15 ... and 3 of the originals had died of old age. I am so sad we had to get rid of them. Can't wait till I start up a tank again. Congrats on the additions!!

Peter and Mandy said...

First click on the picture to enlarge it, then look at the longest leaf that goes over the gravel. If you look directly above that leaf up to the dark rock you'll see the eye of the fish. It is just barely above the gravel.