Monday, October 13, 2008

My Slimy Friend

On Saturday I enjoyed spending time at Armstrong Gardens and Home Depot in the garden department of course. I picked up a ton of my favorite plants and some pest control stuff. We had to redo all of our flower boxes because we got infested with white flies that decided to move in and kill all of my beautiful flowers. I am prepared now, white flies won't be eating my plants anymore. So as we were taking out all the old potting soil Peter sees something move. He pokes at the dirt again and sees a slimy worm in the soil. At which point he grosses out. He backs off of the flower box and decides its time to take the trash out. I continued working on the box and tried finding the worm. I picked up a bulb and handed it to Peter to put into a pot, he jumped back thinking that I was handing him the worm. I had the box nearly empty and we hadn't found the worm. I put my hand in, felt around and found my slimy friend. I picked it up and Peter wasn't thrilled. I was then a naughty girl and put it in his face, knowing full well that he wouldn't like it. He didn't like it. Then I had a hubby and a worm squirming. He forgave me though. :)


Lisa said...

You are a tease and so funny!! I would have done the same thing. :D

KC Witkamp said...

That is so funny!

Kira said...

sounds like something I would do. I love worms!