Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Painting Has Begun!

Woohooo the painting has begun and it looks so cool! We ended up deciding to start with our upstairs master bathroom in our bedroom (we have two small master bedrooms upstairs). We decided to start with our bathroom so if we didn't like the outcome, we would be the only ones to really see it. If we started with the downstairs bathroom then everyone who comes to visit would see it.

Through the week we gathered items that we would need. We decided to go with a Venetian Plaster-it's light blue, called Roman Bath. In order to do the plaster we needed a rounded trowel, sand the walls down, and put on some primer. We got the primer tinted to nearly the same color as the plaster. We also picked up the topcoat for the plaster as well (since it's a bathroom, we use a topcoat instead of some other steps on the instruction manual-the topcoat is supposed to give the same effect as a couple of other steps while keeping the moisture out.)

On Thursday night we dismantled all the hardware in the bathroom, and Peter took the tank off of the toilet. (Peter hates touching toilets, but he figured it would be easier to plaster behind if the tank wasn't he grinned and bore the burden of touching a toilet...he washed thoroughly afterward.)

On Friday Peter had the day off of work, so he prepped the room-taped and hung plastic, sanded the walls and put the primer on. He also made another trip to Home Depot for drywall patch (we keep finding really crummy craftmanship in the way this place was he fixed a gigantic hole behind our light fixture.) Friday night he put the first coat of plaster on. It looked pretty cool.

Saturday he put a second coat of plaster on and then a touch-up in a few areas. Then we had to wait. The top coat can't be put on until the plaster has dried for 24 the painting adventure will conclude Monday after work. In the meantime we keep going and staring at the looks great!

Before, during and after pictures will be posted as soon as the bathroom is complete!


Lisa said...

ooooh! Can't wait to see the pictures. I'm glad you did the venetian plaster. That is what I voted for. You will have to tell me if it is something I will want to do sometime.

Fred ... said...

Good for you. This is great. Take pictures, I want to see the progress.

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Sounds like an adventure! Looking forward to the photos.

Kira said...

I cannot wait for the pictures. These kinds of things are my favorite!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

SO excited to see them! I love before and afters! EXCITING!
p.s. Just looked at about all of your wedding pictures and I so wish I could have been there. I LOVED them. You were beautiful :)
&I loved the teddy bears you had. Every time I see a teddy bear I think of YOU!