Monday, May 24, 2010

Fathers and sons/news

A couple weekends ago Peter went to the Father and Sons camp out. His dad called him up Thursday night saying that a scout in his ward wanted to go, but his dad was unable to go and had asked David to take him. So David called up Peter and asked him to go too. Peter's family is big into dutch oven cooking (Peter has his own dutch oven). They made chicken pot pie for dinner and caramel apple crisp for dessert. He made some of the caramel apple crisp for me too, so I wouldn't feel left out. So Friday evening the boys headed out camping and shortly after they left I headed over to my parents house for the night. Yes I was a big chicken about sleeping in my own house by myself. My dad was out of town, so it was just me and my mom for most of the night. We watched a chick flick, ate the caramel apple crisp which was yummy, and chatted. Saturday morning we did yard work, and I sat on the swing by the pool while my mom put chemicals in the pool. It was a fun and relaxing day. When Peter arrived, we ran a few errands and then were back in time for my nephew's birthday dinner. Shortly after dinner I went to rest my eyes for a few minutes and a couple hours later I was woken up as it was time to go home. It was a fun weekend!

Today at work I announced my news to my students. A couple told their parents after school. Julianna and Ainsley's mom was shouting for me and giving me a thumbs up while I was putting another child into his car. That mom asked what all the commotion was about so I told her. (She was the mom who thought I was pregnant 1 1/2 years ago.) So it was a pretty funny conversation with her. I even brought up the fact that this time it really was true. We both laughed. Then Julianna's mom came over and talked to me a little bit. She also thought I was pregnant earlier this school year, but she was smart and asked one of my co-teachers, who was able to save her from the embarrassment of being wrong. Then Vicki (one of my co-teachers) said I have been showing a little bit for a couple weeks now and she was surprised no one said anything to me. Julianna's mom said she was wondering about a week ago, but decided to keep her mouth shut in case she was wrong again. We laughed! Before now I've had a couple parents give me funny looks, like they know my secret but are too afraid to say anything in case they're wrong.

Good news the nausea seems to have gone away, for most of the time, the puking is still there, but I'll take that over the constant nausea feeling. At least I can puke and then feel better, instead of feeling awful all day long.


Lisa said...

Glad the nausea is gone. How fun for you to have some girl time with your Mom :)

Fred ... said...

Sounds like my kind of weekend (the camping that is). That Dutch oven desert sounds really good.