Saturday, January 21, 2012

Homemade Haircut

We recently bought a hair cutting kit so we could give Connor haircuts ourselves. Only problem is I haven't cut any hair since I was about 10 and that was my own hair and I never did it again after that. Peter has had experience cutting hair in college when he would cut his roommate's hair so I voted for him to give Connor a haircut.
Before the haircut:
During the haircut
The haircut lasted all of about five minutes or so, then the patient grew very impatient and our attempts were over for the time being...then the scissors came out and the bangs were cut. This morning Peter tried again and the hairdo looked much better, but he still wasn't we went to his parents' house and his mom did the top portion.
Tonight getting ready for a bath
Peter's really proud of how even the back is
I might've been squirting him with some toys
My wet boy
Usually he loves staying in the bath for quite some time, but today he was tired so he let us know he was done by climbing out of the bathtub. I didn't think he could pull it off, but he did. The leg went up and over and then the rest of the body followed.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

He is getting so big!