Monday, June 25, 2012

Father's Day

Yeah I know I'm a little behind on the posting here, but I thought it would make more sense if I kept the posts in order.  So here's Father's Day, in a couple of days I'll post about this past weekend, and then maybe by the weekend you'll get the fun we've had for the first week of summer vacation :)

So Father's Day
We ended up going over to Peter's parents' home.  Connor really likes playing in water, so he went for a "swim" in a bucket of water and squirt toys.  He also enjoyed running through the water while Grandma watered her plants.

When water play was over dinner was ready.  We got Connor all cleaned up and sat down for dinner.  At the end of dinner the guys went out for a walk while the gals cleaned up.  When they returned Connor tried climbing on a chair and I noticed that he had what looked like poop marks on the back of his clothes.  Peter then says, "Grandpa and I took turns carrying Connor on our shoulders during the walk."  Peter turns around and Laurel and his mom tell him he has poop on his shoulders.  Not believing them he asks me...yep you do.  Still in disbelief he runs to a mirror and takes a look...sees it and starts grossing out.  David is also checked and his shirt was the worst.  David hopped in a shower and Peter was handed a new shirt.  I took care of was the biggest poopy diaper I've changed in a long time.  No wonder it leaked so badly.  We then decided it was time to go home.  Peter needed a shower and Connor needed a bath.  It was an unexpected Father's Day gift :)

1 comment:

Ellen said...

ha ha this is still making me laugh!!