Saturday, June 2, 2012

The past few days

               While out walking with Daddy, Connor spotted the waterfall next to the pool.

Laurel came over on Thursday and brought several beets with her.  David and Diana are out of town so their garden is free range :)  Connor really enjoyed the beet. He also fell down and got a big bruise on his forehead.
Right after vacuuming the house Connor thought it would be fun to go outside, and uproot some geraniums and carnations.  He then stomped through the soil and across the carpet.  Why is it that he chose to do this after I had vacuumed?
Connor went into the cupboard and pulled out what he wanted to drink with dinner.  It was really cute, he tried holding it up for Daddy but it's really heavy (I missed the picture on that one) so he sat down and started to play with the bottle instead.
This morning we went over to water the garden for Peter's parents.  While we were there we picked a zucchini, some peas, an apricot and Connor spotted the blueberry bush.  He enjoyed a few blueberries.

I was looking at another plant which kind of resembled beans (yet there weren't any bean sprouts) I was down low and picked up part of a plant and in a flash a little bunny went flying out from basically where my hand was and darted across the yard.  Needless to say I screamed and jumped back.  Man he was fast!  Peter laughed, "It's only a little bunny."  I wasn't afraid of the bunny, it just caught me by surprise.  He later said, "Yeah I probably would've screamed too."


Lisa said...

He is getting sooooooo big!!!!!

melissa @ 1lbr said...

I'm jealous of the garden - I haven't had luck growing anything here! And I promise I'll email soon about our visit. Hope you aren't hating me for not contacting you!

Kira said...

I would have been jumpy if a rabbit hopped out at me too!!!