Saturday, June 9, 2012


We went to Ikea today.  Connor had a blast playing in the kid's section.  He really enjoyed playing with this mini kitchen and all its accessories.  Connor pulled all the pots and pans out of the cupboards and started playing with them on the stove.  The stove had two little buttons that when pushed in the burners would light up.  I thought that was pretty cool and Connor agreed.
Check out all the food accessories.  These were super cute.  Notice the fish filet.  There was a hamburger kit, veggie and fruit kit, sweet tooth kit, and a breakfast kit.  There were also packaged pans/pots with lids, rolling pins, egg beaters, spatulas, etc. all kid sized.
"Santa" took careful note of the toy Connor played with more than anything else.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I bought some of that food for Sydney & Hayley :)