Monday, March 25, 2013

It's a GIRL!

Apparently I'm terrible at the guessing the gender of the baby game....I was convinced that Connor was going to be a girl and he clearly isn't.  Then I was pretty sure this little gummy bear was going to be a boy and it isn't.  Here's a look at our little girl gummy bear.
These pictures never look quite like it does on screen.  Or maybe it's easier on the screen as the technician is telling you exactly what you're looking at.  In any case, here is the profile (above) and the gender identification (below).
After leaving the appointment, I ran over to Babies R Us and bought this:
It will go perfectly with the "Big Brother" shirt I ordered online last night.


Fred ... said...

Wow, congratulations. A boy and a girl, a great way to start a family. Any due dates?

Peter and Mandy said...

August 19th is the due date.

Amy said...

You're following our trend! So excited for you!!

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Hooray! I'm a fan of girls cause I have SOOO much experience being pregnant with them :) And they'll only be about two months apart. So exciting!