Thursday, March 7, 2013

Poor Little Guy

Last Friday evening Connor started acting a bit tired/cranky early.  Saturday, Sunday and Monday he had a fever, runny nose and nasty sounding cough.  By Tuesday he seemed to have perked up a little bit making us think he was starting to get over this bug....well Wednesday hit and he cried basically the entire day.  When I went to pick him up after work he was snuggling with Grandpa and clearly looked a bit dazed.  He went from laughing to crying in about 30 seconds.  The little guy was miserable.  I held him as he passed gas and filled his diaper and then promptly fell asleep on me.  Realizing he really smelled bad I picked up the blanket that was on him only to find diarrhea all over his clothes and the blanket.   Problem...kid just fell asleep and feels miserable...what do I do?  Well I couldn't stand the smell so I woke him to clean him up, which involved putting him in a shower because no amount of wet wipes were getting that smell off of him.  So he basically screamed and didn't want to get in the shower, but I held him in there and washed him off.  Then shortly after I got him out and dried him off, but of course before I could get a diaper on him he peed all over the cabinets, the door and the floor.  I was startled by this and grabbed him to get him closer to the shower and of course he stopped peeing.  Then as if I was asking an older child I said, "are you done?"  He replied by peeing all over my shoe, pants and the floor.  So into the shower he went again.  Yes more screaming and crying was involved.  I'm sure it was a comical mess to anyone but me.  Okay out of the shower once more, dried off and diapered quickly I decide to take care of Connor and throw all the dirty clothes and blanket on the peed on floor and I would clean that up last.  I walk out to the family room to get Connor's extra set of clothes and fill them in as to the fun we were having in the bathroom.  Part of which was I knew I had pee on my shoes but I didn't know how much of the wetness on my pants was pee and how much was water from the shower.  With me dressing Connor, my dad got to work on throwing dirty clothes in the wash and mopping the bathroom floor.  We went home shortly thereafter.  I told Peter of our "fun" and requested he call the pediatrician today and make an appointment or go to urgent care as our kiddo was certainly under the weather and quite frankly if nothing else I just wanted peace of mind.

So Today he calls, gets and appointment and goes.  Connor HATES the doctor's office.  So in order to take his weight they had to weigh Peter and then weigh Peter holding Connor and subtract.  Peter said it went downhill from there.  He told the pediatrician, "my wife made me come in, she thinks there's something wrong since he wouldn't stop crying yesterday."  The pediatrician looked in one ear and said, "well this one has an infection so that might be your problem."  Then she looked in the other ear and said, "this one has an infection too and it is much worse."  She then said, "sometimes mommy's have this special mother's intuition...they just know when their kid is sick...daddy's don't have it quite the same way."  The pediatrician said they'll look into the diarrhea later if it doesn't clear up within the next few days.  They have another appointment in 10 days to make sure the ear infections are gone.

So now Connor takes this fruity medicine twice a day and well....he likes taking medicine about as much as he likes going to the doctor's office.  We even bribed him with ice cream...that didn't work.  Anybody have any great ideas for getting a toddler to not spit out medicine?

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I sure hope the little guy is feeling better.