Thursday, November 7, 2013

Halloween...Blessing...Birthday Oh My!

So I'm a little behind in my posting...mostly because I don't have pictures, though as soon as I get some I'll post them.

For Halloween we had a party at our house and had Chris, Mary, Sean, Amy, David and Diana and all the cousins over. We had a spooky spaghetti dinner with orange jello and spiders, and salad.  Chris made orange rice crispy treats and David made orange and purple popcorn balls.  After dinner the Guys all went trick or treating with the kids.  Chloe went to one house and decided she was done with that experience.  Calvin and Heidi returned early when their little legs gave out.  The others came back later with a decent loot.  Meanwhile the girls stayed and passed out candy by the handful.  I didn't want much of my Costco sized bag left over.  When everyone got back it was interesting to see how each family allowed treats to be eaten.  Amy let Heidi, Calvin and Kirk pick out five treats to eat.  Chris let his kids go wild for four minutes and then all the candy was put away.  Peter let Connor have three treats.  After the treats were done, we cleaned up and everyone went home.

We then went to my parents house quickly for a brief visit.  As Connor was melting down we left.  I dropped Connor and Peter off at home and went to the Leavitt's, but their house was dark (they were working at the temple), so we went home.

Sunday was Chloe's blessing.  It was wonderful!  After sacrament meeting we went outside for pictures and then went to class.  I went to primary to find my only student was my niece.  Ellie has been wanting to go to my class for a long time, but with only one student, I sent her to another class and I went to relief society.  Afterwards we went to my parents' house for an early dinner and invited the Leavitts over.  We had a great time!

Yesterday was Connor's 3rd birthday!  He requested blue jello and blue chicken nuggets for dinner.  I couldn't pull off the blue chicken so I made blue cool aid, and blue frosting for his cake.  He thought that was pretty cool.  He also ate his meal off of a blue plate with a blue fork and spoon.  Earlier in the day I took him to Walmart and bought him a playdoh garbage truck.  The look on his face was priceless.  He was an absolute angel and sat in the cart playing with his toy.  We also picked up an excavator sand toy and some Christmas presents for cousins.  After dinner he opened another present from us-Twenty Trucks DVD and CD and T-shirt.  These are fun videos on youtube we found and Connor just loves them.  He also got a car transporter and playdoh play set from grandma and grandpa.  The play set had rolling pins which Connor excitedly called steam rollers.

We will be celebrating his birthday with the other cousins soon...

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