Wednesday, November 20, 2013

This week

A few fun photos of what we've been up to...
Having tummy time
Sleeping with the lion
and smiling some more
We haven't gone anywhere far from home lately.  And this is why:
Yes, Connor is potty training.  He turned three on November 6th, so on November 7th I told him three year olds don't wear diapers.  Each day seems to get better-he's making a lot of progress.
A little funny/kind of gross story-today he came inside from playing out in the dirt.  I told him it was time to go potty.  He says, he already did.  So we went to the bathroom.  He pulls his pants off and I don't see anything, but the smell is there.  He turns around and his poop is still stuck to him.  I grabbed him and put him on the big potty.  The poop falls off and he gets all excited that he can see the poop in the potty while he sits.  We made a big deal out of it and he wanted to sit on the potty longer.  After cleaning him up, he left to play.  The next time he was told to go potty, he sat on the big potty and told me that he went pee and he heard it go twinkle twinkle in the potty.  I laughed-that's what I told him it would do as it splashed the water.  Now he seems to really like the big potty-which is wonderful, since cleaning the little potty is a bit gross.
While potty training we have been having fun doing some art and craft projects at home.  This week it is painting stepping stone bricks to look like turtles, lady bugs and bees.  We also painted some big rocks today, which we'll turn into a caterpillar.
So simple and fun
On Tuesday Mary came over with Calvin and Heidi.  Connor played pretty well with them.  Then at one point it got really quiet.  Calvin was in the family room playing with toys, Heidi was in the play room and Connor was outside in the sand box.  I guess you could call it parallel play-sort of.  Later Mary and Calvin left, so Heidi and Connor played together in the sand box.  They enjoyed scooping the sand into the trashcans.
One cool dude!

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