Wednesday, January 8, 2014

New Years Parties/Stomach flu

For New Year's Day we went to Greg and Ellen's house to have an east coast party.  Leina and Derek and their three kids, Dan and Gretchen and their three kids, Greg and Ellen and their two kids and us and our two kids had a great time.  We ate pizza and snacks.  The kids made cute party hats and noise makers.  At 9pm (midnight east coast time) we celebrated the new year.  Connor and Chloe were not fond of the noise makers or popping balloons, but the rest of the kids had a great time.  We enjoyed some sparkling cider and then went home to put Connor to bed.  Chloe and I then headed to the Leavitt's for some more fun.  We played Minute to Win It...out of 9 people, I scored last place.   We also played another game-can't remember the name of it...I didn't know how to play it and therefore also sucked at that game.  We came home at 2am totally exhausted!

We took it easy the next day and took down our Christmas decorations.  Thursday Peter had to be at work, so Connor and I did some major house cleaning.  Friday Peter had the day off and we planned on doing fun stuff.  Unfortunately around noon Connor started throwing up.  He didn't stop until about 6pm.  Peter took care of Connor while Chloe and I left the house.  We didn't want Chloe to get sick.  Saturday morning rolls around and Connor is going nonstop from the other end.  He went through 5 pairs of pants.  Oh I forgot to make a post dedicated to him being OFFICIALLY POTTY TRAINED!!!!!  Well, no amount of training was helpful Saturday as he couldn't make it to the bathroom fast enough.  By the afternoon he was fine.

Sunday he was also fine.  We went to a party at Chris and Mary's in the afternoon.  Peter and Connor went on the trampoline a little bit and then Peter came in saying he didn't feel well.  Connor started coughing and then threw up.  We left the party with a puke bag just in case.  While driving home Connor coughed some more and threw up on himself/car seat.  Then Peter announced he was going to lose his cookies.  I don't know how I held myself together.  I rolled the windows down and drove with my head out the window the rest of the way home.  Peter and Connor went to bed downstairs at 5pm.  Throughout the night Peter got up and puked.  I went to bed around 10,  I heard Peter barfing at midnight, Chloe woke up at 1:30 and again at 4:30.  My alarm went off at 6:30 and it was time for me to get ready for work.  Oh I was so tired on Monday.

Peter took Connor to the doctor Monday and she said he was fine and not contagious anymore. His throwing up was induced by coughing/gagging on phlegm.  So today-Tuesday was his first day of school!  He was really excited and cute.  His teacher gave him a good first day report as well.

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