Saturday, January 16, 2016

We have grass!

I just love it!  When we bought this house the backyard was nothing but concrete.  We had the majority of the concrete removed last year and then were left with sand for awhile.  We built some garden boxes and then had mulch/soil delivered and our backyard was loaded with dirt, all we needed was some grass.  Except, that we were in a huge drought and ordering grass sounded like a bad idea, so we lived with the dirt.  Now that we're expecting a ton of rain this year we decided to get the grass.  It arrived today on a forklift and Peter, and both grandpas installed it.  It looks great!
Connor helped water it down, while daddy adjusted the sprinklers.
Chloe wanted her picture taken too...she and Connor love the sandbox.
Daddy invited Connor to play in the sprinklers with him.  Connor took him up on that offer and had a blast getting soaking wet.
Now what should we plant here?  Peter and my dad made these two boxes a little while ago and we haven't figured out what to plant in them yet.  They are nearly always in the shade.
We also have this area left to plant.  I'm thinking we can squeeze in 2-3 more fruit trees here.  The one directly next to me is a 5 in 1 fruit salad tree.  It's supposed to bear peaches, two types of plums, apricots and nectarines.  We've had it a couple years in a pot and less than a year in the ground, so we'll see if anything happens.  Directly behind the fence-in the front yard is a row of trees-pomegranate, lemon and a mandarin.  Our mandarin bore fruit this year and they were super tasty, I think I need at least one more mandarin tree. 

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