Monday, January 4, 2016

Our Newest Family Member

Today we picked up our newest member of our family this cute little box turtle.  A co-worker of mine has several pet box turtles that she keeps in her backyard.  Well apparently at least one was a female and while working in her garden she found 8-9 babies.  She let us have one and we brought it home today.  It's tiny!  It's about the size of a quarter.  This is the smallest food dish I could find.
My brother gave us a 40 gallon tank (3ft long) and we picked up the rest of the supplies on Saturday.  Then today we brought the turtle home.  It likes to burrow in the wood chips making it difficult to find to show the kids.  Chloe has named it "Happy" and Connor has named it "Mr. Slow."  The gender cannot be determined until it is significantly older, so we're calling it a boy.  He'll stay relatively small so his giant tank will be plenty big enough for him. 

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