Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Vacation Day 1-The Aquarium

Got Sunscreen?
Peter and I have this week off of work. We hope to head up to Big Bear soon and go skiing...perhaps that will be a future post. Today's post is for yesterday. Yesterday Peter and I thought it would be fun to go to the Legoland Aquarium. While looking at the map, Peter realizes the aquarium is totally geared towards children and then decides we can't go without kids. How silly we would look if we asked for two adult tickets and no children tickets. Well yeah, so he called up Chris and Mary and asked if they wanted to go with us. Chris was busy typing papers and Mary was painting the girls' room, so they couldn't go. Peter has now decided that we'll go another day. Mind you it is raining like crazy so we can't do anything outside...the aquarium still sounded good. So we called up Chris and Mary again and asked if they wanted us to take the two older girls with us? They liked that idea and we headed over to pick up the girls (Camille-5, Ellie-3). Mary suggests we take her van since it is pouring outside and the carseats are already in there. So we do. Peter figures out how to move the seat back and Camille exclaims, "You have monkey arms like my daddy." Yup I guess it runs in the family. And then we're off....the rain comes down harder and we're trying to figure out how to get the windshield wipers to go faster. Peter figures it out, and realizes there is a wiper in the back window too that we had been playing with. The ride there we got stuck in traffic, looked out at a lake with birds in it and answered whatever questions Camille threw at us. Ellie was sound asleep before we even got to the freeway.
We arrive at Legoland...yes it is still pouring out. We park the car, Peter carries Ellie and we huddle under two small umbrellas while the rain continues to pour and the wind continues to blow. The back of my pants were quite wet when we got there. We went in to the first area and watched a short clip, then played on a slide. The girls got a little questionaire to fill out. There were bubbles that you could go inside and look at the fishies swimming around. The girls loved these. It looks like one fish is giving Camille a kiss on the cheek. There was a tide pool area, but nobody wanted to put their hands in the water. So I picked up a starfish and they thought that was okay, but they still didn't want to touch it. They had a sandcastle built out of legos that Ellie enjoyed playing with.
There was an Atlantis area too. It was the biggest tank of them all-two stories. You could see the fish from all sorts of angles and levels. This was near the top of the tank. That big fish kept swimming around. Every two minutes he would be back in front of that window.The girls loved pointing out all the lego characters inside the aquarium. Inside the Atlantis area Camille said, "Look there's Ariel's daddy!" It was cute. We had a fun adventure today.


Rebecca Fallentine said...

Very cute! Nieces and nephews are the best to take places!

Kira said...

you know, I have never been to Legoland. It has always sounded fun!