Sunday, May 17, 2009

Attack of the creepy crawlies!

There is never a dull moment at our house. We have this resident spider that likes to make our hearts race whenever we miss smashing him and he crawls under something and isn't seen again for the next few weeks. For example a few months ago we found this giant spider on our wall. I thought it would be great to smash it with a shoe, but I missed and it crawled under our tv stand and wasn't seen again for awhile. About a week ago the spider (we hope it was the same one) showed up while we were doing laundry on the side of the door jam. I came face to face with it and nearly fell over backwards trying to get back. Genius here gets her shoe again even though Peter is adamant about it not working and that we should get the vacuum instead. I apparently missed the turbo spider and he ran underneath the washing machine. Peter has let me known several times since then that the vacuum would've solved the problem. So then there's today. Peter's doing the dishes and screams "AAAAHH he's back! Get the vacuum get the vacuum!" I say smash it and he yells no get the vacuum. I swear my shoe worked all the time when I was younger. So here I am hefting the heavy vacuum down the stairs. Peter plugs it in turns it on and the hose attachment comes undone, the spider crawls into a small space between the wall and the cupboards. It eventually comes back down and is sucked up. As soon as it has been sucked up Peter throws the vacuum attachment at me and starts doing the spider dance. As soon as the attachment hits me I let go of the vacuum and it falls over. I am laughing so hard I can hardly stand up. The spider is in the vacuum so Peter decides to vacuum the house, only problem we have stuff all over the floor which makes vacuuming hard. Okay so adventure number one is done but Peter is still on the edge.

Adventure number two: I'm upstairs doing laundry and Peter screams! And then he keeps on screaming...."OOOH it's crawling out of the cup!" "Alright I'll do whatever job you're doing and you need to come do the dishes." Me-"I'm doing laundry, you want to put the laundry away?" P-"No I'm going to take the trash out." Now how is that doing whatever job I'm doing? I don't take out the trash, he always does that. Peter comes upstairs and tells me that the next time I take a drink to work and bring it back I need to wash it out right away. I start busting up laughing. The week that I was sick I had a cup with orange juice in it sitting by the bed. Apparently I never drank it and as Peter took the lid off he was surprised to see it growing mold.

Back to adventure number one: Peter keeps randomly turning the vacuum on for a few seconds and then turning it off :)


Linda said...

Spider-killing tip: If you can't get to the vacuum or a shoe right away, spray the spider with hairspray. Some spiders will eventually die from hairspray (I think they suffocate), but others are just slowed down long enough so you can get the vacuum out.

Covering the spider with toothpaste is another good option.

Fred ... said...

A fly swatter is a good investment. I love your spider stories. Secretly I hope the guy escaped from the vacuum cleaner during the night. I want to hear more stories about him.

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Oh how I love the spider-killing stories. I feel fortunate that Vince isn't too afraid to smash them with a tissue. *cringe*

Lisa said...

Peter cracks me up!!!