Monday, May 4, 2009

"I said I don't like bugs...what part of that do you not understand?"

Those are my famous words of the day. I figured that a story like this should probably be announced, since I am so good at poking fun at my dear hubby, I should also point out my complete dislike for bugs as well. So we'll take today for example. Our art teacher/primary childcare person came inside with a bucket and a small shovel (kid toy). I am sitting at a child's table when Erika came up to me with the said bucket. She says, "Do you want to see what I have? We found it on the playground." Note to self, for future experiences the correct answer is NO! I tell her that I really don't like bugs so not if it is a bug. She shows me anyway. She bends over and has me peer into her bucket. I JUMP out of my seat, scream and run into the other room exclaiming, "That is not funny! I told you I don't like bugs!" Not to mention that I feel like I have just had a heart attack or will soon be experiencing one and am having a hard time catching my breath. Meanwhile one of my students is shouting, "Mandy that's not a bug, that's an arachnid." Yeah no kidding a spider falls into the bug category for me. So after I'm in the other room one of my co-teachers says, "Oh she showed you the spider, oh I should've told her that you wouldn't like that." Yeah no kidding! So the spider was like a quarter pounder. It was one of the biggest I've seen in a long time. And having it that close to my face was definitely not even remotely funny!

A few hours later Erika came up to me and asked if I had forgiven her yet...I'm still thinking about it.


Kira said...

I would have DIED!!!!!!!!!!! Arachnids are totally in the bug catagory! OMGsh!!! I have the chills just picturing it.

Lisa said...

Ha!Ha! I'm sure Peter enjoyed your post!

Ellen said...

eek! i need to remember this story in case crusoe ever asks me the same thing! why do kids love weird creepy crawling things?

Rebecca Fallentine said...

Eww...gross! I hate spiders!

melissa @ 1lbr said...

I probably would have reacted in the same way!